During each service, children (1 year through 5th grade) experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative way.
At Eden, we value family. Our Kids Ministry is a place where children can encounter God and learn to hear His voice. Our goal is to encourage them in a growing, loving relationship with Jesus Christ and others in an atmosphere where they feel a sense of belonging.
Our teachers and team are background-checked and trained to facilitate safe and fun learning environments. Through worship, teaching, and fun activities, children learn God's Word and are encouraged to grow in their relationship with God.
Eden Kids is offered during all three of our services, and we would love to meet you and your family. Join the fun and experience a world where kids meet Jesus on their level!
Look for the Eden Kids table in the lobby where we will meet your family and check your kids into our database system. Our 1-4 year olds will be walked to their age-appropriate classes, while elementary kids will join their families in worship and then be dismissed to meet their teachers who will walk them to their classes.
You and your child will be given matching security tags; and your child will need to wear the name tag while you keep the matching tag. After the service, you will meet your child at their classrooms for pick-up and show your tag in order for your child’s release.
In the event that we need to contact you during the service, we will text you at the number given to us during registration and the digital number display above the sanctuary screens. We ask that you exit the Sanctuary immediately and come downstairs to their classroom to meet your child.
Eden Littles is for preschoolers and toddlers, ages one through five.
We are staffed with professional, caring adults who provide a safe and secure environment conducive to the child's physical, social, and spiritual growth. When you are confident in leaving your child in the care of our staff, then you are able to worship with a sense of security.
We have taken great care to prepare our toddler and preschool rooms to be the best environment for your child with age-appropriate toys and an opportunity to interact with others.
Elementary offers a place where children from first through fifth grade can discover and develop a passion for God.
Through worship, teaching, and a variety of fun activities, children are exposed to God's Word and challenged to grow in their relationship with God.
Our children's services are fully staffed with adults and high school students who are committed to teaching and ministering to children.
You can be confident that your child is in good hands and having a great time learning about God while you are in service.
Mother’s Room
We have a room available for mothers and their young children, located downstairs next to the children’s classrooms. There is access to a changing table, toys, and a live stream of the service.
Parents play the most crucial role in shaping the spiritual foundation of their children. It is our hope to partner with you as you guide your children in a relationship with Jesus, that they would be set up for a future rooted in the ways of God and His purposes.
Dedicating your child is a significant marker of that beginning journey. This is a public declaration with your church family and before the Lord, your commitment to raise them in the ways of God. It also gives your church family the opportunity to come alongside in agreement to support you in your journey to raise your children in the faith.